Day by Day

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

June 21st

Auntie Kimmy was able to see Olivia today, she and Crystal spent the morning with her while the kids and I held down the fort here at "the house". Olivia's surgeon stopped by bedside with one of his associates and explained to Crystal that after seeing the CT scan Olivia is not a candidate for the "hybrid" surgery they had been considering, she will be getting the full Norwood. He also handed the case to his associate as he is leaving the state. I guess Crystal showed a little concern in her face and Livie's nurse said "Oh don't be at all concerned, we call him Peter Perfect, he is great". :-) Well it is all in God's hands anyway so we "Trust, Pray and Obey! Olivia's numbers must be perfect for 3 days before she can have the surgery and she still has a little kidney thing going on, not much but enough to hold things off for a few more days. So she is still growing and gaining, up to 6lbs.... Everything else is status quo and that is good. Tomorrow the kids and I will go to the Del Mar fair with Kimmy and her friend, lots of fun animals to look at, it will feel good to take an outing.

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