Day by Day

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

June 17th

Another day ticked off the clock.... I was able to see Livie again but no holding today, alot of what goes on depends on her nurse for the day, but just sitting by her and loving her was wonderful. She opened her eyes a lot and did some regular newborn gurnts and stretches. Its amazing what we take for granted. She loves to have her little hands held and rubbed and to be sung to. Her feeds are being increased steadily and she is tolerating the breastmilk well , she is growing and gaining, just like a baby should. :-) Tomorrow afternoon after the medical meeting I am hoping we have more info on the surgery but for now its just love her and wait and pray. Tonight they had a big screen set up in the dinning room with the Laker game on and were serving lasagna for dinner, both Crystal and I are lactose intolerant and don't do basketball so we took the kids and left the house for a little while and had a Denny's dinner, good ole Denny's, great food, good prices and always friendly service. It was nice. After a quick trip to Food 4 Less for a few snacky and breakfast items its back to the house for baths and Crystal's last visit to Olivia for the night. Tomorrow's another day....

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