Day by Day

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Olivia Two months and counting....

Olivia was 2 months old yesterday, she will be 9 weeks tomorrow.

Olivia is still in bed 31 in the NICU and we are still at Ronald McDonald House across the street from Rady Children's Hospital in San Diego.  Not too much has changed.
After two open heart surgeries and a huge amount of intensive care our little Olivia is not really where the doctors would like to see her.  The surgery was successful but Olivia is weak and she is having some trouble with a lot of different internal organs. She is still considered very critical and we are still praying for a miracle.
She is the sweetest little peanut with such expressive eyes. We all love her so much

Evangeline turned two on July 24th and we had a big fun party for her here at the house, it is not easy "getting on with life" while we know Livie is so sick but we must.  We had pizza and a princess cake and friends and family all show up to celebrate Princess Evangeline. Thank you God for the many blessings you have given us.
Pizza, presents and a princess cake= A Perfect Party!

Aunt Kelly and cousin Selah surprised us with a little 4 day visit this last week. Oh how sweet it was to see them. I picked them up at the San Diego airport on Friday night, we had a whirlwind weekend in Lake Elsinore and then two days of visiting in San Diego and then off again.
I want to say a special Thank You to the family that made this trip possible, you are a huge blessing to my family.
Auntie Kelly and "Cuzwlynn Selah"

Now we start our third month, school is starting at the end of Aug. and I will have to be changing my schedule, Caleb is a freshman in high school this year and I am teaching two classes so we won't be spending as much time down here, I know we will work it out but I am already feeling separation anxiety

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