Day by Day

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Well today we had another good sized earthquake here in southern Cal. 5.9 centered not far from here in Borrego Springs.  Definitely an eye opener but such a funny story to go with it.
Ezra and I were sitting on the bed watching the movie "Good Boy" it starts with a space ship landing and the boy hero thinking there was an earthquake.  Ezra wants to know "what was that?" I answer an earthquake and Crystal explains "Ezra  probably doesn't know what that is, he's never really felt a big one. " Not two minutes later Ezra got to feel a BIG one. Hahahaha
The Ronald McDonald House sits on top of a six story parking garage that was built with earthquakes in mind I'm sure, this place sways like a hammock.  We had a good sized quake last month but it wasn't as loud or as shaky as this one and the kids were sleeping.
During today's quake we saw people scatter like bugs outside our window, some of the Hawaiians that are staying here went running and we laughed that they were probably waiting for the volcano, wrong thing to say in front of Ezra, now he is convinced "a volcano is coming". 
Anyway, all is well and now we have something fun to talk about.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We rolled quite a bit here in Lake Elsinore too. It lasted longer than the one we had on Thanksgiving Day. It was a bit closer too! Now I can say that I REALLY felt an earthquake in So Cal.