Day by Day

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


About six years ago during a health scare I embraced a Raw Vegan lifestyle for about 5 months.  The program I followed is called the "Hallelujah Diet"started by the Rev. George Malkmus way back in 1976.
It's a pretty basic vegan program, no animal anything, and 85% of your diet must be raw!
Malkmus, and a lot of the others I follow, are of the theory that it is the live enzymes in our food that actually nourish our bodies and therefor cooked food is lacking at best.
During the time I was following the Hallelujah program I lost a lot of weight and felt better than ever, which was remarkable considering my diagnosis of cancer.  After being poked, prodded and scanned from every angle I was given a clean bill of health.
Praise God and carrot juice! :-)
But the very dumb ending to this little story is that I have not stuck with the program, I have put on a lot of weight my energy level is low and I feel awful all the time.

Well I am sick and tired of being sick and tired so I am embracing the program again.

Yep, and I need all my friends to rally round and keep me accountable. I am setting a very realistic goal of three months to begin with, that will take me to Kimberly's wedding.  After that I hope to be so motivated that I make this my life choice and not just an occasional program to visit.Thanks in advance for your help and encouragement, I will keep you posted of my progress and maybe in the process motivate some of you too. 


Erik Hinkston said...

You can do it!!!!

Rose Starr said...

Hooray! We've been making small changes over the years and LOVE our green smoothies! We're not totally raw but we've upped our veggies and fruits lots and lowered our carb intake big time.


Hallelujah Acres said...

It's great to see you taking control of your health once again.

You may find the free 60-Day Challenges at helpful.

We walk you step-by-step through the Hallelujah Diet and give you helpful hints to make sticking to it easy. You'll get entertaining videos, yummy recipes and uplifting encouragement every day for 60 days.

God Bless,
Drew Horine
Web Services Manager @ Hallelujah Acres