Day by Day

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Israel Update Tour Day 4

Sunrise on the Sea of Galilee 
I didn't hear from Caleb today other than a very quick fb message this morning, his night, but I understand things are going great. He was super tired last night, this time change is hard to get used to, as well as they are busy all day and walking a lot.  Josh posted the pics below so I captured them to share.  How beautiful!  I am seriously getting jealous!
Caesarea Maritime
This is a picture of their view from the hotel this morning few hours ago.  Nice.....
Today the schedule it to drive to Tel Dan, an important biblical city and a breathtaking nature reserve. Continue to the Banias, site of the ancient Caesarea Philippe. It is here that Peter made his confession of faith in Jesus. Matt 16:13  Then on to a panoramic view of the Golan Heights from Mt. Bental, He will visit Nimrod's Castle and end his day with a boat ride on the Seal of Galilee!!
Now this is Trippy!!

Israeli Kitty :-)

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