Today was the day of Olivia's big open heart surgery, the Norwood procedure. Olivia was taken into surgery at 7am and we didn't hear back from the hospital until 3pm. Today was a long day.
Olivia tolerated her surgery well and her Dr. was able to do everything he set out to do. Now we are on the road to recovery but it is going to be a long journey.
We have known from the beginning that this is a marathon, I remember early on in the diagnosis thinking about last year when Crystal and I ran the Disney 1/2 Marathon, how we had to train at different levels and then rest in between, so we could start it all over again the next day. Today was like running a hill and tonight we have all hit our own personal walls the adrenaline is gone and we are tired but tomorrow is another day and we will go on.
Crystal and Justus were able to see Olivia for a few minutes 3 times this evening. They can't talk at her bedside because when she hears mommy's voice her blood pressure goes up. She knows Crystal is there.
As little as Olivia is she has a job to do in this race too, and that is to heal and grow stronger and for now the way to do that is to rest so tonight we will leave her to do that as we all hold her up in prayer.
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