Selah Jo at almost 1year. |
Happy 1st Birthday Selah Jo
Today is my grand daughter Selah Jo's first birthday. Unfortunately Selah lives in Mississippi so we can't join in her big party,but we will have our own party for her when she visits in November.
Selah's "birth" day! |
Last year when Selah was born we were all so happy, Kelly and Nathan already had Judah and Eli and were so happy to get their little princess. We had had a scare early in Kelly's pregnancy when the Drs thought there might be a problem but she had been cleared of those issues and things were looking rosy.
At least for 24hrs; everything was going just fine but then the Drs. discovered Selah had a heart defect. Oh how I remember getting the call that she was being air lifted to a children's hospital. Kelly was so scared and so were we. Erik and I and Kimberly were able to catch a red eye flight out that night to be with Kelly and Nathan while Selah went through all the tests.
Poor baby Selah, poor Mommy and Daddy and poor us. There is nothing fun about having a sick baby.
Judah and Eli |
We did have a little silver lining in getting to see the grand boys again after about a year. Oh how I love little boys, so full of life and energy. It sure isn't easy not being close to them.
Well the Drs decided that Selah didn't need the surgery they thought she would and they were able to fix her main problem in a cath lab procedure. What a relief, she may need more attention as she grows but for right now Selah is OK. After a tearful goodbye Papa and I were back on a plane to California, leaving a little piece of our hearts in Mississippi.
The following weekend after we got back Justus and Crystal celebrated their anniversary weekend and I stayed with Ezra and Evie. I love staying with my grandkids for the weekend. We always do things that Mom and Dad don't do! Usually the first night we skip the bath time routine, we stay up late eating popcorn or pizza or something fun and watch movies until everybody is asleep on the floor. Being a Grandma is really the BEST thing ever.
Well it wasn't too long after that anniversary weekend that we found out Crystal was pregnant with our precious Olivia, little did we know then that in less than one year we would be sitting in a Children's Hospital again. Most of you know that Olivia's story did not go like Selah's, Selah got to come home after 3 weeks and Olivia went home to heaven after 73 days. We lost more than just a little piece of our heart this time.
Mammie's Ez!! |
Now, I am sitting here again at Crystal and Justus's, they are on their anniversary weekend get away, Selah Jo is one year old and doing well, Crystal is pregnant, Ezra and Evie got a new puppy and yes we did skip the bath routine tonight and we ate pizza and everybody fell asleep on the floor.
This last year we have been through a lot as a family
but right this very minute
"Life is good".